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Forum "Grammatik" - Addiction and Dependence
Addiction and Dependence < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Addiction and Dependence: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:45 Di 19.01.2021
Autor: cheezy

Hallo liebes Forum,

da ich im Juni meine Englisch-Matura habe auf B2 Niveau,bitte ich jemanden, der mir meine Antworten zu diesen Fragen Korrektur lesen könnte.

Ich wäre sehr dankbar für diese Person.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Socially Acceptable Drugs

What category of drugs does alcohol belong to?

Alcohol belongs to the depressants because it has a sleep-inducing and anxiety-reducing effect on the nervous system.

What is the daily maximum amount of wine or beer recommended by the WHO?

It should not exceed for men 3 to 4 units daily and for woman not 2 to 3 units.

What are the short-term effects of drinking alcohol?

The short-term effects are dependent on the amount consumed and can vary enormously from person to person.
The main effect is on the brain, which can result in slurred speech and problems with coordination. The other negative disadvantage is that your attention and judgement is impaired. Your inhibition is loss and may you have problem with insomnia.

What are the long-term effects of excessive drinking?

The liver may become damaged through a state which is known as cirrhosis. Then it leads to liver failure and you can get liver cancer or be dead.
The nervous system will also be damaged at many levels. It can lead to a reduction of intellectual function and an increased risk of anxiety, depression, confusion and dementia.
Alcohol is also connected with diabetes, inflammation of the pancreas and internal bleeding. Alcohol is also harmful to an unborn baby.

What is binge drinking?

Binge drinking is drinking a large amount of alcohol in a small space of time. Especially when you drink double the safe amount or more in a few hours. Binge drinking will affect your ability to learn and to concentrate long after your hangover has gone.

What percentages of people are at risk in Austria and Britain?

In Austria there are 340.000 alcoholics, almost 735.000 Austrian consums alcohol regularly. 2.8 millions in England are alcoholic . As much as 6% to 7% of the adult population in the UK exhibits signs of alcoholism

S.21 Group Work
Do you smoke? Where should smoking be banned?

No, I’m a non-smoker. My personal opinion is that smoke should be banned within the schoolyard area. The reason is that it has a bad reflection on the other pupils who does not smoke. The ground will be always polluted with the cigarette butt and for the cleaner it is too much work.  

If you smoke, have you ever tried to quit? What withdrawal symptoms do you have if you cannot get hold of a cigarette?

In my past I was always a non-smoker but I tried sometimes to smoke in my early years and I noticed after the next day that I had withdrawal symptoms like nervousness or the feeling to smoke a new cigarette.

If you do not smoke, have you ever tried a cigarette? Do you mind if other people smoke around you?

I tried sometimes but I’m a convinced non-smoker and I don’t want that people smoke in my surroundings because I care for my health.

S.24 Group Work
What are the most common addictions in Austria? What drugs are ´in´ at the moment? Which of them are considered to be soft drugs and which are hard drugs?

The most legal drugs in Austria are alcohol and cigarettes and the most illegal drugs are Cannabis and Cocaine. It is clear that Cannabis and Alcohol are in at the moment.

What is the law in Austria regarding the possession of drugs and drug dealing? What are the age limits?

In Austria the smoking and possession of Cannabis and other drugs such as Opium, Morphin or Heroin is illegal because it makes you strongly addictive. Drug dealing is in the same way illegal.  

Are you a responsible drinker? What are your personal addictions?

I’m also a non-drinker because I’m a sporty person and I care for my health.

Discuss the quotation in the margin. Do you agree? (If you give up smoking and drinking, you dont actually live longer. It just seems longer) Clement Freud

My opinion is that it is proven that you can live longer if you stop smoking and drinking. It depends how damaged is your body.

Addiction and Dependence: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:53 Do 21.01.2021
Autor: Infinit

Hi cheezy,
as always, some comments and suggestions in square brackets.
Best regards,

> Hallo liebes Forum,
> da ich im Juni meine Englisch-Matura habe auf B2
> Niveau,bitte ich jemanden, der mir meine Antworten zu
> diesen Fragen Korrektur lesen könnte.
> Ich wäre sehr dankbar für diese Person.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>  Socially Acceptable Drugs
> What category of drugs does alcohol belong to?
> Alcohol belongs to the depressants because it has a
> sleep-inducing and anxiety-reducing effect on the nervous
> system.
> What is the daily maximum amount of wine or beer
> recommended by the WHO?
> It should not exceed for men 3 to 4 units daily and for
> woman not 2 to 3 units. [The question arises what a unit is. Do you have any quantative measures?]
> What are the short-term effects of drinking alcohol?
> The short-term effects are dependent on the amount consumed
> and can vary enormously from person to person.
>  The main effect is on the brain, which can result in
> slurred speech and problems with coordination. The other
> negative disadvantage is that your attention and judgement
> is impaired. Your inhibition is [reduced] loss and you may have
> problem with insomnia.
> What are the long-term effects of excessive drinking?
> The liver may become damaged through a state which is known
> as cirrhosis. Then it leads to liver failure and you can
> get liver cancer or [ you can die] be dead.
>  The nervous system will also be damaged at many levels. It
> can lead to a reduction of intellectual function and an
> increased risk of anxiety, depression, confusion and
> dementia.
> Alcohol is also connected with diabetes, inflammation of
> the pancreas and internal bleeding. Alcohol is also harmful
> to an unborn baby.
> What is binge drinking?
> Binge drinking is drinking a large amount of alcohol in a
> small [period of time] space of time. Especially when you drink double the
> safe amount or more in a few hours. Binge drinking will
> affect your ability to learn and to concentrate long after
> your hangover has gone.
> What percentages of people are at risk in Austria and
> Britain?
> In Austria there are 340.000 alcoholics, almost 735.000
> Austrian consums alcohol regularly. 2.8 millions in England
> are alcoholic[s] . As much as 6% to 7% of the adult population
> in the UK exhibits signs of alcoholism
> S.21 Group Work
> Do you smoke? Where should smoking be banned?
> No, I’m a non-smoker. My personal opinion is that smoke
> should be banned within the schoolyard area. The reason is
> that it has a bad reflection on the other pupils who [do] does
> not smoke. The ground will be always polluted with the
> cigarette butt and for the cleaner it is too much work.  
> If you smoke, have you ever tried to quit? What withdrawal
> symptoms do you have if you cannot get hold of a
> cigarette?
> In my past I was always a non-smoker but I tried sometimes
> to smoke in my early years and I noticed after the next day [really "after the next day" or is simply "the next day" meant]
> that I had withdrawal symptoms like nervousness or the
> feeling to smoke a new cigarette.
> If you do not smoke, have you ever tried a cigarette? Do
> you mind if other people smoke around you?
> I tried sometimes but I’m a convinced non-smoker and I
> don’t want that people smoke in my surroundings because I
> care for my health.
> S.24 Group Work
> What are the most common addictions in Austria? What drugs
> are ´in´ at the moment? Which of them are considered to
> be soft drugs and which are hard drugs?
> The most legal drugs in Austria are alcohol and cigarettes
> and the most illegal drugs are C[c]annabis and [c]ocaine. It is
> clear that [c]annabis and [a]lcohol are in at the moment.
> What is the law in Austria regarding the possession of
> drugs and drug dealing? What are the age limits?
> In Austria the smoking and possession of [c]annabis and other
> drugs such as [o]pium, [m]orphin or [h]eroin is illegal because
> it makes you strongly addictive. Drug dealing is in the
> same way illegal.  
> Are you a responsible drinker? What are your personal
> addictions?
> I’m also a non-drinker because I’m a sporty person and
> I care for my health.
> Discuss the quotation in the margin. Do you agree? (If you
> give up smoking and drinking, you dont actually live
> longer. It just seems longer) Clement Freud
> My opinion is that it is proven that you can live longer if
> you stop smoking and drinking. It depends how damaged
> your body [is].

Addiction and Dependence: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:10 Mo 25.01.2021
Autor: chrisno

Ich ergänze einfach die schon eingefügten Anmerkungen:

> Hi cheezy,
> as always, some comments and suggestions in square
> brackets.
> Enjoy!
>  Best regards,
>  Infinit
> > Hallo liebes Forum,
>  >  
> > da ich im Juni meine Englisch-Matura habe auf B2
> > Niveau,bitte ich jemanden, der mir meine Antworten zu
> > diesen Fragen Korrektur lesen könnte.
>  >  
> >
> >
> > Ich wäre sehr dankbar für diese Person.
>  >  
> > Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>  >  Socially Acceptable Drugs
>  >  
> > What category of drugs does alcohol belong to?
>  >  
> > Alcohol belongs to the depressants because it has a
> > sleep-inducing and anxiety-reducing effect on the nervous
> > system.
>  >  
> > What is the daily maximum amount of wine or beer
> > recommended by the WHO?
>  >  
> > It should not exceed for men 3 to 4 units daily and for
> > woman not 2 to 3 units. [The question arises what a unit
> is. Do you have any quantative measures?]

Vorschlag: which amounts to ...beer or .. wine

>  >  
> > What are the short-term effects of drinking alcohol?
>  >  
> > The short-term effects are dependent on the amount consumed
> > and can vary enormously from person to person.
>  >  The main effect is on the brain, which can result in
> > slurred speech and problems with coordination. The other
> > negative

disadvantage ist schon negativ

> disadvantage is that your attention and judgement
> > is impaired. Your inhibition is [reduced] loss and you may
> have
> > problem with insomnia.
>  >  
> > What are the long-term effects of excessive drinking?
>  >  
> > The liver may become damaged through

nicht through

> a state which is known
> > as cirrhosis. Then it leads to liver failure and you can
> > get liver cancer or [ you can die] be dead.

and ultimately die

>  >  The nervous system will also be damaged at many levels.
> It
> > can lead to a reduction of intellectual function and an
> > increased risk of anxiety, depression, confusion and
> > dementia.
> > Alcohol is also connected with diabetes, inflammation of
> > the pancreas and internal bleeding. Alcohol is also harmful
> > to an unborn baby.
>  >  
> > What is binge drinking?
>  >  
> > Binge drinking is drinking a large amount of alcohol in a
> > small [period of time] space of time. Especially when you
> drink double


> the
> > safe amount or more in a few hours. Binge drinking will
> > affect your ability to learn and to concentrate long after
> > your hangover has gone.
>  >  
> > What percentages of people are at risk in Austria and
> > Britain?
>  >  
> > In Austria there are 340.000 alcoholics, almost 735.000
> > Austrian consums


> alcohol regularly. 2.8 millions


> in England
> > are alcoholic


>. As much as 6% to 7% of the adult population

> > in the UK exhibits

sxhibit oder exhibits?

> signs of alcoholism
>  >  
> > S.21 Group Work
> > Do you smoke? Where should smoking be banned?
>  >  
> > No, I’m a non-smoker. My personal opinion is that smoke


> > should be banned within the schoolyard area. The reason is
> > that it has a bad reflection

nicht reflection

> on the other pupils who [do]
> does
> > not smoke. The ground will be always polluted with the
> > cigarette butt and for the cleaner it is too much work.  
> >
> >
> > If you smoke, have you ever tried to quit? What withdrawal
> > symptoms do you have if you cannot get hold of a
> > cigarette?
>  >  
> > In my past I was always a non-smoker but I tried sometimes
> > to smoke in my early years and I noticed after the next day
> [really "after the next day" or is simply "the next day"
> meant]
>  > that I had withdrawal symptoms like nervousness or the

> > feeling


> to smoke a new

eine alte wäre auch unwahrscheinlich, next, again, ..

> cigarette.
>  >  
> > If you do not smoke, have you ever tried a cigarette? Do
> > you mind if other people smoke around you?
>  >  
> > I tried sometimes but I’m

I am

> a convinced non-smoker


> and I
> > don’t want that people smoke in my surroundings because I
> > care for my health.
> >
> > S.24 Group Work
> > What are the most common addictions in Austria? What drugs
>  are ´in´ at the moment? Which of them are considered to
> > be soft drugs and which are hard drugs?
> ] >  

> > The most legal drugs in Austria are alcohol and cigarettes
> > and the most

Vorsicht: die legalsten Drogen, die illegalsten Drogen?

> illegal drugs are C[c]annabis and [c]ocaine.
> It is
> > clear that [c]annabis and [a]lcohol are in at the moment.

Die Frage ist nicht genau beantwortet.

> >
> > What is the law in Austria regarding the possession of
> > drugs and drug dealing? What are the age limits?
>  >  
> > In Austria the smoking and possession of [c]annabis and
> other
> > drugs such as [o]pium, [m]orphin or [h]eroin is illegal because
> > it makes you strongly addictive.


> Drug dealing is in the
> > same way illegal.  

Dealing (these?) drugs is illegal
Die Frage ist unvollständig beantwortet.

> >
> > Are you a responsible drinker? What are your personal
> > addictions?
>  >  
> > I’m


> also a non-drinker because I’m a sporty person and
> > I care for my health.
> >
> > Discuss the quotation in the margin. Do you agree? (If you
> > give up smoking and drinking, you dont actually live
> > longer. It just seems longer) Clement Freud
>  >  
> > My opinion is that it is proven that you can live longer if
> > you stop smoking and drinking. It depends how damaged
> > your body [is].

Discuss fordert normalerweise mehr als zwei Sätze.

> >  


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