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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Arbeitswelt - World of work
Arbeitswelt - World of work < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Arbeitswelt - World of work: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:25 Di 09.02.2021
Autor: cheezy

Paired activity

You and your friend were asked to give a presentation on a successful job interview to your colleagues. In the course of your preparation, discuss the importance of the following points. Agree on the three points that you will deal with your talk and decide on the pieces of advice you will give to your classmates.

outward appearance
preparation for the interview (e.g. being informed about the company or thinking about questions you might be asked)
questioins you should (not) ask

Hello ladies and gentleman,

Today I want to give you some important advices that will help you when you go to a job interview. There are some important things to know if you want to sit face to face with the interviewer. Your outward appearance plays a decisive role because it shows the interviewer you care for yourself. So it is very important to shave your beard or to trim it. Your hair should also be styled as well and you should also wash your face. Your cloth should also be clean and fresh. A  blue jean with a jacket is recommended. The next important point is your behaviour. The night before the meeting you should have a good nights rest because on the next day you were asked some questions and you should keep your nerve. It is also important to make a calm impression and not be angry. You also have to consider that you will be asked for some questions of the company. So it is very important to inform yourself some weeks before about the company. In general you will also be asked from your life and your interests. Another significant aspect is the punctuality. You should appear 10 minutes before the job interview starts. It is recommended to use a car because when you use a tram or the rail it could be delayed. Finally I want to mention that there are certain questions you should better not ask. Questions like when your next holiday will be or about increasing your wages.

Arbeitswelt - World of work: Some comments
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:59 Mi 10.02.2021
Autor: Infinit

Hi cheezy,
as always, comments in brackets.

> Paired activity
> You and your friend were asked to give a presentation on a
> successful job interview to your colleagues. In the course
> of your preparation, discuss the importance of the
> following points. Agree on the three points that you will
> deal with your talk and decide on the pieces of advice you
> will give to your classmates.
> outward appearance
>  behaviour/politeness
>  preparation for the interview (e.g. being informed about
> the company or thinking about questions you might be
> asked)
>  punctuality
>  questioins you should (not) ask
>  Hello ladies and gentleman,
> Today I [both are presenting, so "we"] want to give you some important advices that will
> help you when you go to a job interview. There are some
> important things to know if you want to sit face to face
> with the interviewer. Your outward appearance plays a
> decisive role because it shows the interviewer [how] you care for
> yourself. So it is very important to shave your beard or to
> trim it. Your hair should also be styled as well and you
> should also wash your face. Your cloth should also be clean
> and fresh. A  blue jean [jeans] with a jacket is recommended. The
> next important point is your behaviour. The night before
> the meeting you should have a good nights rest [sleep]  because on
> the next day you were [will be] asked some questions and you should
> keep your nerve [nerves]. It is also important to make a calm
> impression and not [to] be angry. You also have to consider that
> you will be asked for [delete: for] some questions of the company. So it
> is very important to inform yourself some weeks before
> about the company. In general you will also be asked from
> your life and your interests. Another significant aspect is
> the punctuality. You should appear 10 minutes before the
> job interview starts. It is recommended to use a car
> because when you use a tram or the rail it could be
> delayed. [well, this depends on the traffic situation] Finally I [we] want to mention that there are certain
> questions you should better not ask. Questions like when
> your next holiday will be or about increasing your wages. [well, this depends on the situation]

Arbeitswelt - World of work: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:26 Di 23.02.2021
Autor: cheezy

Vielen Dank :) :) :)

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