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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Communication and the Media
Communication and the Media < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Communication and the Media: Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:44 Fr 08.01.2021
Autor: cheezy

Hallo liebes Forum,
da ich im Juni meine Englisch-Matura habe auf B2 Niveau,bitte ich jemanden, der mir meine Antworten zu diesen Fragen Korrektur lesen könnte.

Ich habe diese Antworten zu diesen Fragen auf word geschrieben und ebenfalls geuploadet, falls sich jemand beim korrigieren leichter tut.

Ich wäre sehr dankbar für diese Person.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Communication and the Media

S.31 Group Work
Which different kinds of mass media can you think of?
Nowadays we have several mass media such as TV, radio, newspapers and the internet.

How effective is each medium in communicating information and ideas?
I´m convinced that mass media such as the internet is the most effective medium because it is everywhere available when you use a smartphone. Newspapers are not so as widespread as TV because you have to pay daily, monthly or yearly.

How do you think the different means of communication will develop in the future in relation to the following areas: entertainment, politics, money and work?

Which different media do you use? How do they affect your life?

I personally use the internet as well as the newspaper, but personally I prefer the internet because the information’s are the latest. It has a big affect in my life because through that I can see what is going on our planet. It is really important to be up to speed, so you can handle rightly.  

What is more important to you: the medium or the message?
From my point of view it is very important that the medium is independent and critical. Nevertheless other political organisations should not have a influence on it. In the past we have seen that there are always politicians like Or or Str who wants to have a big influence on the newspaper. So they can manipulate the news and reach a big readership.

S.32 Group Work

How important is TV in your life? Could you imagine living without it?

TV has become commonplace in my life because I can follow their the latest news and I can watch their live football games. Furthermore I can raise my know through interesting documentary. In the summer I could imagine living without it, but in the winter not. The reason is that we spend more times in our flat in the dark times.

Does watching Tv have an influence on us?

Yes of course, because it leads us which products we buy. The commercial in the channel shows us the newest smartphone or the state-of-the-art car. In this way the viewer will be attracted and the company increases their sales.

How has TV changed the world in the past 50 years?

Germany started in the seventies the selling of the colour television. Then the Olympic games in 1972 and the Football-Worldcup were broadcasted in the TV. Then most of the people watched that event. The most sensation is that spectacular games are watched from billions of people through tv.

Do you think that people will watch more or less TV in the future?

I think it relies on the education background. If somebody is a student or a pupil, he will spend his time with books or notebook. Currently the people will watch more TV, because of the Lockdown-situation in Austria. If you have more time in your life, you will watch more TV.

S.37 Group Work
What is your favourite newspaper/magazine? Do you get it delivered?

My favourite newspaper is Standard, because it is a independent newspaper. Yes

Do you believe everything you read in a newspaper?

If it is my favourite newspaper, yes.

What makes a good newspaper/magazine?

My opinion is that the informations of a newspaper should be clearly represented with colour. It should also be critical.

Which newspaper print celebrity scandals in Austria? What scandals are in the news at the moment?

How do you think celebrities feel when they read false stories about themselves?

It is very hard for them, because in the generell situation they answer back from their social account.

In the future, will people stop reading newspapers and get all their information from the internet?

I´m convinced that this will be happen, because actually the environmental situation is very bad and when more people change to the internet then the daily newspaper cannot increase their sale and the companies will turn to digital. The printed newspaper will be cut off.

S.41 Group
The internet: What can the internet be used for?

Nowadays you can buy almost everything online such as clothes, car components, electronic devices. You can also book your flight and travel to other beautiful countries. It is also used as a market place and you can buy and sell your things there.

How important is the internet for you? Could you imagine having no internet access for some time?

For me it is very important because I am dependent to the internet because when I want to buy something such as a device then I can compare all the available prices. It is for me also very important to watch all the football
games live which are streamed by other provider.

What advantages does it have over other media?

The main advantage is that you can get the latest news compared to other media. When you want to go to bed you can read online the news, which will be publish in the next day in the printed newspaper. You can also spread a incident through facebook very fast and your friends can help you to inform other people. For instance if your dog has run away or you want to make people aware of something

What are its disadvantages? Have you ever experienced any problems?

The main disadvantage is the privacy because when you want to generate a facebook account then you have to register it with your own private data. The problem is that facebook can sell your data to other unknown companies. Maybe you can be contacted from these companies. The other thing is that the internet is also used for drug or gun sailing. The “Darknet” is known for a illegal trade, which a lot of people meet there and do some illegal things.

How do you think the internet will develop during the next 50 years in relation to entertainment, work, money and politics?

My personal opinion is that the humankind will work in the next 50 years at home office. The reason is that the digitisation develops from year to year and it will be not necessary to drive to your company. Nowadays we have seen that people worked from home because of the corona situation. That all is possible through internet. The people will buy with digital currency in the shops instead of paper money. The problem is that the online system has to work efficient and a internet shutdown would be very devastating.

S.44 Group Work
What was life like before mobile phones came on the market?

In the past the life was not comparable with nowadays. In these times when people wanted to make an appointment then they wrote letters to each other or they spoke together. There was not a possibility to delay this meeting with a mobile phone when he was on the way or ill.  

In what way have they changed people´s lives?

The people are more reachable and they can show their private life on insta oder facebook for the community.

How important is the mobile phone for you? Could you imagine not using it for some time?
It is for me very important but I can imagine not to use it during the vacation time. It is not good for the health if you are permanently online.

What functions do you use most?

I use it to compare the several prices through an app and I read the latest news.

What is the ring tone on your mobile and why did you choose it?
Are you concerned about the health risks mentioned above?
It depends how long do you use it but I try not to waste all my time with my device.

As children are particularly at risk, from what age on should they have a mobile phone?

I would say at an age of 10. It is very important to tell the child that there are dangers such as cybercrime and fraud in the internet. Furthermore they should know that the using of mobile phone can danger their health system, because their immune system is less robust.

Anhang Nr. 1 (Typ: docx) [nicht öffentlich]
Communication and the Media: Some comments
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:23 Sa 09.01.2021
Autor: Infinit

Hallo cheezy,
ich werde hier mal ein paar Kommentare zu Deinem Text geben und schreibe sie, ich hoffe, das klappt, in die entsprechenden Zeilen, meist in eckigen Klammern. Da mein Englisch-Abi gute 44 Jahre zurückliegt, kann ich schlecht beurteilen, ob die Art und der Umfang der Antworten auch abi-gerecht ist. Da halte ich mich lieber mal zurück mit einer Bewertung. Bei mir was es im Abi eine Textanalyse inkl. Interpretation. Jetzt aber zu Deinem Text, den ich hier einfach mal zitiere:

> Hallo liebes Forum,
>  da ich im Juni meine Englisch-Matura habe auf B2
> Niveau,bitte ich jemanden, der mir meine Antworten zu
> diesen Fragen Korrektur lesen könnte.
> Ich habe diese Antworten zu diesen Fragen auf word
> geschrieben und ebenfalls geuploadet, falls sich jemand
> beim korrigieren leichter tut.
> Ich wäre sehr dankbar für diese Person.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>  Communication and the Media
> S.31 Group Work
>  Which different kinds of mass media can you think of?
>  Nowadays we have several [types of, kinds of] mass media such as TV, radio,
> newspapers and the internet.
> How effective is each medium in communicating information
> and ideas?
>  I´m convinced that mass media such as the internet is the
> most effective medium because it is everywhere available
> whe[re] you [can] use a smartphone. Newspapers are not so as
> widespread as TV because you have to pay daily, monthly or
> yearly.Comment: you also pay for TV
> How do you think the different means of communication will
> develop in the future in relation to the following areas:
> entertainment, politics, money and work?
> Which different media do you use? How do they affect your
> life?
>  [Hier fehlt noch was]
> I personally use the internet as well as the newspaper, but
> personally I prefer the internet because the
> information [is] the latest. It has a big affect in my
> life because through that I can see what is going [on] on our
> planet. It is really important to be up to [date] speed, so you
> can handle [in an efficient way] rightly.  
> What is more important to you: the medium or the message?
>  From my point of view it is very important that the medium
> is independent and critical.Comment: Does this not contradict each other?  Nevertheless other [Comment: what other] political
> organisations should not have a influence on it. In the
> past we have seen that there are always politicians like Or
> or Str who want to have a big influence on the newspaper.
> So they can manipulate the news and reach a big
> readership.
> S.32 Group Work
> How important is TV in your life? Could you imagine living
> without it?
> TV has become commonplace in my life because I can follow
> their [there] the latest news and I can watch their [Comment: delete their] live football
> games. Furthermore I can raise my [knowledge] through interesting
> documentary. In the summer I could imagine living without
> it, but in the winter not. The reason is that we spend more
> times in our flat in the dark times.
> Does watching Tv have an influence on us?
> Yes of course, because it leads [influences] us which products we buy.
> The commercial[s] in the channel shows us the newest
> smartphone or the state-of-the-art car. In this way the
> viewer will be attracted and the company increases their
> sales.
> How has TV changed the world in the past 50 years?
> Germany started in the seventies the selling of the colour
> television. [Comment: Sorry, but this already happened from 1967 on, even the Olympics in Mexico in 1968 were already broadcasted in colour] Then the Olympic games in 1972 and the
> Football-Worldcup were broadcasted in the TV. Then most of
> the people watched [these events] that event. The most sensation is that [Comment: Start here with your sentence]
> spectacular games are watched from billions of people
> through tv.
> Do you think that people will watch more or less TV in the
> future?
> I think it relies on the education[al] background. If somebody [someone]
> is a student or a pupil, he [they or "he or she"] will spend his [their] time with books
> or notebook. Currently the people will watch more TV,
> because of the Lockdown-situation in Austria. If you have
> more [spare] time in your life, you will  watch more TV.
> S.37 Group Work
>  What is your favourite newspaper/magazine? Do you get it
> delivered?
> My favourite newspaper is Standard, because it is a
> independent newspaper. Yes, [I get it daily, weekly?]
> Do you believe everything you read in a newspaper?
> If it is my favourite newspaper, yes.
> What makes a good newspaper/magazine?
> My opinion is that the information of a newspaper should
> be clearly represented with colour. [Comment: Why should it be colourful?] It should also be
> critical.
> Which newspaper print celebrity scandals in Austria? What
> scandals are in the news at the moment?
>  [Hier fehlt noch was]
> How do you think celebrities feel when they read false
> stories about themselves?
> It is very hard for them, because [generally] in the generell situation
> they answer back from their social account.
> In the future, will people stop reading newspapers and get
> all their information from the internet?
> I´m convinced that this will be happen, because actually
> the environmental situation is very bad and when more
> people change to the internet then the daily newspaper
> cannot increase their sale[s] and the companies will turn to
> digital. The printed newspaper will be cut off.
> S.41 Group
>  The internet: What can the internet be used for?
> Nowadays you can buy almost everything online such as
> clothes, car components, electronic devices. You can also
> book your flight and travel to other beautiful countries.
> It is also used as a market place and you can buy and sell
> your things there.
> How important is the internet for you? Could you imagine
> having no internet access for some time?
> For me it is very important because I am dependent to the
> internet because when I want to buy something such as a
> device then I can compare all the available prices. It is
> for me also very important to watch all the football
> games live which are streamed by other [several] provider[s].
> What advantages does it have over other media?
> The main advantage is that you can get the latest news
> compared to other media. When you want to go to bed you can
> read online the news, which will be publish[ed] in the [delete "in the"] next day
> in the printed newspaper. You can also spread a[n] incident
> through facebook very fast and your friends can help you to
> inform other people. For instance if your dog has run away
> or you want to make people aware of something
> What are its disadvantages? Have you ever experienced any
> problems?
> The main disadvantage is the privacy because when you want
> to generate a facebook account then you have to register it
> with your own private data. The problem is that facebook
> can sell your data to other unknown companies. Maybe you
> can be contacted from these companies. The other thing is
> that the internet is also used for drug or gun sailing [sales]. The
> “Darknet” is known for a illegal trade, which a lot of
> people meet there and do some illegal things.
> How do you think the internet will develop during the next
> 50 years in relation to entertainment, work, money and
> politics?
> My personal opinion is that the humankind will work in the
> next 50 years at home office. The reason is that the
> digitisation develops from year to year and it will be not
> necessary to drive to your company. Nowadays we have seen
> that people worked from home because of the corona
> situation. That all is [made possible by the internet] possible through internet. The
> people will buy with digital currency in the shops instead
> of paper money. The problem is that the online system has
> to work efficient and a internet shutdown would be very
> devastating.
> S.44 Group Work
>  What was life like before mobile phones came on the
> market?
> In the past, the life was not comparable with [life] nowadays. In
> these times, when people wanted to make an appointment then
> they wrote letters to each other or they [made a phone call] phonedspoke together.
> There was not a possibility to [postpone] delay this meeting with a
> mobile phone when he was on the way or ill.  
> In what way have they changed people´s lives?
> The people are more reachable and they can show their
> private life on insta oder facebook for the community.
> How important is the mobile phone for you? Could you
> imagine not using it for some time?
>  It is for me very important but I can imagine not to use
> it during the vacation time. It is not good for the health
> if you are permanently online.
> What functions do you use most?
> I use it to compare the several prices through an app and I
> read the latest news.
> What is the ring tone on your mobile and why did you choose
> it

[Da fehlt noch was]

>  Are you concerned about the health risks mentioned above?
>  It depends how long do ]delete "do"] you use it but I try not to waste
> all my time with my device.
> As children are particularly at risk, from what age on
> should they have a mobile phone?
> I would say at an age of 10. It is very important to tell
> the child that there are dangers such as cybercrime and
> fraud in the internet. Furthermore they should know that
> the using of mobile phone[s] can danger their health system,
> because their immune system is less robust.

Viele Grüße,

Communication and the Media: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:37 Sa 09.01.2021
Autor: cheezy

Ich danke Ihnen vielen Dank für Ihre Mühen :)

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