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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Engl.-Aufsatz: Store Layout
Engl.-Aufsatz: Store Layout < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Engl.-Aufsatz: Store Layout: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:56 So 08.06.2008
Autor: Eirene

könnte bitte jemand den Text Korrektur lesen? es geht um store Layout und wie das das Einkaufsverhalten beeinflusst.


Nothing is leaved to chance:

Every aspect of a store’s layout is designed to stimulate shopping. Stores typically put dairy products in the farthest reaches of the store to expose customers to the maximum amount of product on their ‘quick trip,’ so they will impulsively buy other things. Milk and bread set far away from each other, to encourage consumers to walk all through the store.

Another tactic supermarkets use is the smell of freshly baked bread coming from the in-store bakery. The smell of warm bread makes people feel hungry. When you feel hungry while shopping you are more likely to buy additional items.

Most shoppers are fully aware that supermarkets deliberately put candy and magazines at the checkout counters, where they can easily become bored and hungry shoppers.

It's almost too obvious nowadays. Colorful kid-attracting goodies are everywhere in the supermarket, at child eye-level on the lower shelves and within reach of little arms. "It's a mother's greatest nightmare. " Kids can check out the candy while their mother is filling up the cart with other things.

Generally speaking, the most expensive items with high profit margins are placed on shelves that are at shoppers' eye level. This is because you are more likely to see them than the less profitable brands at the very top or near your feet.

Another trick is playing slow music, which encourages you to move slowly as you walk through the aisles - and buy more stuff that you don't really need.
The longer customers spend in a shop the more they are likely to spend. Therefore shops work to make sure customers have to spend the maximum amount of time in their stores, placing obstacles constantly in the way of efficient shopping.

Be clever or how to save money:

One of the best ways to save money at the supermarket is to be aware of marketing strategies used to encourage you to buy more and spend more.
I would recommend to eat before you shop, so you are not too hungry.
Create a list of what you need, this will not only ensure you don't forget anything but make sure you don't buy things you already have or don't need.
If you are a mother then leave the children at home, if possible, then you wouldn’t buy too much sweets. When children become older parents need to educate their children about the way advertising may influence their purchases.


Supermarkets influence their customers and the most of them have no idea of it. Especially children are easily to influence. Children can be seen as influencers on their parents decision making.
If you want to shop only few products you waste a lot of time, because you walk through all the store to find them.

It would be a great thing if every supermarket would hand out to every customer a store layout, so you can organize your next shopping much better.

Engl.-Aufsatz: Store Layout: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:11 Mo 09.06.2008
Autor: moody

> Nothing is left to chance:
> Every aspect of a store’s layout is designed to stimulate
> shopping
attract the costumers attention. Stores typically put daily needed products in the
> farthest reaches of the store. This exposeforces the customers to the
> maximum amount of product
cross the whole store on their ‘quick trip,’ so they
> will impulsively buy other things. For example, Milk and bread are often placed far
> away from each other.to encourage consumers to walk all
> through the store.

> Another tactic supermarkets use is the smell of freshly
> baked bread coming from the in-store bakery. The smell of
> warm bread makes people feel hungry. When you feel hungry
> while shopping you are more likely to buy additional
> items.
> Most shoppers are fully aware that supermarkets
> deliberately put candy and magazines at the checkout
> counters, where they can easily become bored and hungry
> shoppers.
> It's almost too obvious nowadays: Colorful kid-attracting
> goodies are everywhere in the supermarket, at child
> eye-level on the lower shelves and within reach of little
> arms. "It's a mother's greatest nightmare. " Kids can check
> out the candy while their mother is filling up the cart
> with other things.
> Generally speaking, the most expensive items with high
> profit margins are placed on shelves that are at shoppers'
> eye level. In this way, the costumers attention is focused on them

> than onthe less profitable brands at the very top or near
> your feet.
> Another trick is playing slow music, which encourages you
> to move slowly as you walk through the aisles - and buy
> more stuff that you don't really need.
> The longer customers remain in a shop the more they are
> likely to spend.

Recht unglückliche Formulierung. Spend and Spend

>Therefore shops work to make sure

> customers have to spend the maximum amount of time in their
> stores.placing obstacles constantly in the way of
> efficient shopping.

> Be clever or how to save money:
> One of the best ways to save money at the supermarket is to
> be aware of marketing strategies used to encourage you to
> buy more and spend more.
>  I would recommend to eat before you shop, so you are not
> too hungry.
>  Create a list of what you need, this will not only ensure
> you don't forget anything but make sure you don't buy
> things you already have or don't need.
>  If you are a mother then leave the children at home, if
> possible. So you can save money, you possible would have spent on sweets. When
> children become older, parents need to educate their
> children about the way advertising may influence their
> purchases.
> Criticism:
> Supermarkets influence their customers and the most of themmost of the costumers
> have no idea of it. Especially children are easy to
> influence. Children can be seen as influencers on their
> parents decision making.
>  If you want to shop only few products you waste a lot of
> time, because you walk through all the store to find them.
> It would be a great thing if every supermarket would hand
> out to every customer a store layout, so you can organize
> your next shopping much better.

Empfieht sich aber wohl nicht im Aldi um die Ecke, oder? :D

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