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Forum "Grammatik" - Englisch
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Englisch: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:41 Sa 20.02.2010
Autor: Jana.M

Please write the questions. Ask for the words in bold print.
Example: Grandfather can always go (TO SCOTLAND). Where can Grandfather always go?

a)I have (TO LEAVE) in some days.
b)We could help (GRANDFATHER).
c)(MRS DAVENPORT) has to do her shopping.
d)Carol couldn´t finish her work (BECAUSE SHE HAD TO GO TO LONDON).
e)(YOU) were not allowed to come home later than 12.
f)Kevin and Carol hadn´t go (A TV-SET).
g)Mrs Davenport couldn´t swim (WHEN SHE WAS A CHILD).

a)What he has in a some days?
b)Whom they can help?
c)Who do their shopping?
d)Why Carol could not finish her work?
e)Who should not come later than 12 back home?
f)What did Kevin and Carol not?
g)When Mrs.Davenport could not swim?

Guten Abend!
Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob es so richtig ist.
Kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen?

Englisch: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:15 Sa 20.02.2010
Autor: pythagora

> Please write the questions. Ask for the words in bold
> print.
>  Example: Grandfather can always go (TO SCOTLAND). Where
> can Grandfather always go?
> a)I have (TO LEAVE) in some days.
>  b)We could help (GRANDFATHER).
>  c)(MRS DAVENPORT) has to do her shopping.
>  d)Carol couldn´t finish her work (BECAUSE SHE HAD TO GO
>  e)(YOU) were not allowed to come home later than 12.
>  f)Kevin and Carol hadn´t go (A TV-SET).
>  g)Mrs Davenport couldn´t swim (WHEN SHE WAS A CHILD).

>  a)What he has in a some days?

in der Aufg steht "I".. ^^

>  b)Whom they can help?

ich glaube, dass das schon mal korrigiert wurde^^ (guck mal bei d  --> https://matheraum.de/read?i=657202)
whom can they help

>  c)Who do their shopping?

Who (hier muss noch was hin --> guck mal in die aufg.) do their shopping?

>  d)Why Carol could not finish her work?

wie bei b

>  e)Who should not come later than 12 back home?

joa, mach das nochmal mit allowed, wie's in der aufg. steht

>  f)What did Kevin and Carol not?


>  g)When Mrs.Davenport could not swim?

wie bei b

Ein paar mal der selbe fehler und du solltest wirklich mehr auf die aufgabe achten --> das würde dir auch ne menge fehler ersparen^^
Korrigiere nochmal in Ruhe


Englisch: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:52 So 21.02.2010
Autor: Jana.M


a)What does I in a some days?
b)Whom do they can we help?
c)Who do has their shopping?
d)whom do they Carol could not finish her work?
e)Who were not allowed to come home later than 12?
f)What hadn´t got Kevin and Carol?
g)Whom do they Mrs.Davenport could not swim?

Danke für deine Mühe! Du hilfst mir sehr!


Englisch: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:10 So 21.02.2010
Autor: M.Rex

> So??
> a)What does I in a some days?

"I" und "Does"? Das passt doch nicht zusammen.

>  b)Whom do they can we help?

Nee, du hattest doch:
"We could help (GRANDFATHER)".
Also: Whom could (...) help.

>  c)Who do has their shopping?

Nein, das passt so nicht.
Who has to do (...) shopping?

>  d)whom do they Carol could not finish her work?

?? Why war doch korrekt.

>  e)Who were not allowed to come home later than 12?

Fast, Who is...

>  f)What hadn´t got Kevin and Carol?

What don't C and K have?

>  g)Whom do they Mrs.Davenport could not swim?

Mit Whom fragst du doch nicht nach einer zeit? Also:.....

>  Hallo!
>  Danke für deine Mühe! Du hilfst mir sehr!
> LG
>  Jana



Englisch: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:06 So 21.02.2010
Autor: Jana.M

a)What I in a some days?
b)Whom could we can help?
c)Who has to do shopping?
d)Why do they Carol could not finish her work?
e)Who is were not allowed to come home later than 12?
f)What don´t Carol and Kevin have?
g)When Mrs Davenport could not swim?

Danke für deine Hilfe!! Du hast mir sehr geholfen!!

Ist es jetzt so richtig?

Englisch: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:23 So 21.02.2010
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,

a)I have (TO LEAVE) in some days.
b)We could help (GRANDFATHER).
c)(MRS DAVENPORT) has to do her shopping.
d)Carol couldn´t finish her work (BECAUSE SHE HAD TO GO TO LONDON).
e)(YOU) were not allowed to come home later than 12.
f)Kevin and Carol hadn´t go (A TV-SET).
g)Mrs Davenport couldn´t swim (WHEN SHE WAS A CHILD).

> a)What I in a some days?

In dem Satz fehlt das Verb...
"What do I have to do in some days".

>  b)Whom could we can help?

Lass das "can" weg, dann stimmts.

>  c)Who has to do shopping?

"sie" hat "ihren" - das wäre dann "her" - Einkauf zu erledigen, also das "her" zwischen "do" und "shopping" einfügen, dann passt es.


>  d)Why do they Carol could not finish her work?

"do they" = "tun sie" ?
"Why couldn't Carol finish her work?"

>  e)Who is were not allowed to come home later than 12?

"is were" geht überhaupt nicht zusammen.
"Who was..." und dann der Rest, so wie Du geschrieben hast.

>  f)What don´t Carol and Kevin have?

Fast - bis auf die Zeit, die Aufgabe sagt "hadn't" also "hatten nicht". Du antwortest mit "haben nicht"...

>  g)When Mrs Davenport could not swim?

Füge ein "did" nach "when" ein.

Schönen Gruß

Englisch: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:57 So 21.02.2010
Autor: Jana.M

VIELEN VIELEN DANK für deine Hilfe! Du hast mir sehr geholfen!


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