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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Englischkorrektur3
Englischkorrektur3 < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Englischkorrektur3: Englischtext
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 22:16 Di 19.01.2010
Autor: MonaMoe

Money laundering in the payment using online payment systems is a logical consequence. Today's online customers are a variety of payment systems. Most of the time a payment of products ordered by invoice, cash on delivery or bank account payments. Even well-known serious Companies such as PayPal can be abused for money laundering purposes and have to defend themselves against it.
Given the economic crisis has the attention of policy on the issue of online security continued to fall, complained McAfee. It was done too little against cyber-criminals. The human and financial resources in the fight against criminal activities on the Internet would be substantially increased and the international cooperation in this area improved significantly.

Ich bitte noch einmal um Korrektur bitte!

Vielen dank im Voraus

Englischkorrektur3: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:23 Mi 20.01.2010
Autor: rainerS

Hallo Mona!

> Money laundering in the payment using online payment
> systems is a logical consequence.

2x "payment!

Laundering money using online payment systems is a logical consequence.

> Today's online customers
> are a variety of payment systems.

Die Kunden sind Bezahlsysteme? ;-)

Today's online customers are using a variety of payment systems.

> Most of the time a
> payment of products ordered by invoice, cash on delivery or
> bank account payments.

Was meinst du mit "bank account payments"? Überweisungen? Wo ist da der Unterschied zur Rechnung?

Most of the time, orders are payed by invoice, cash on delivery or through bank accounts (?).

> Even well-known serious Companies
> such as PayPal can be abused for money laundering purposes
> and have to defend themselves against it.


>  Given the economic crisis has the attention of policy on
> the issue of online security continued to fall, complained
> McAfee.

"policy" soll Politik heissen? Das ist "politics". Policy ist die Handlungsweise im Sinne von Regelwerk.

Security firm McAfee complains that due to the economic crisis politicians' attention on the issue of online security has decreased.

> It was done too little against cyber-criminals.


  It has been done too little against cyber-criminals.

> The
> human and financial resources in the fight against criminal
> activities on the Internet would be substantially increased
> and the international cooperation in this area improved
> significantly.

Ich vermute du meinst, die Resourcen sollten erhöht werden.

The human and financial resources used for the fight against criminal
activities on the Internet need to be substantially increased
and the international cooperation in this area improved

Viele Grüße

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