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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - English sentence
English sentence < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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English sentence: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:48 Fr 29.05.2009
Autor: Dinker


John is longing for loneliness and wäre gerne verbannt worden. Ich habe gerade Probleme das „wäre gerne“ auf die Reihe zu kriegen.
John commits suicide, when he definitively realizes that he never will reach his aim in Brave New World and come to the conclusion that he is unable to adapt his behaviour to the Brave new world.

Her behaviour conforms almost all point the prevailing norms.
The slogan everyone belongs everyone aimed to prevent narrow interhuman relationship.to avoid any emotional obligation (Bindung?). Because profound relationships endanger the state stability and can cause conflict.
In Contrast to John, Lenina isn’t able to reflect critically(?) the structure of Brave new World.
His mother conveys him the knowledge and idea of Brave new World, but he lives under Indian and would like to integrate in their way of life.

The tendency to equality and conformity has been affected from the globalisation process, which began in the pre-industrial revolution era. This leaded to a global market, division of labor etc. Therefore it came to an adaption between the different cultures and because of the new you know everytime what is going on everywhere on the world.
The negative consequences of this process are that we give up our own culture, which gave us on orientation to find our place in the society and you can see that a countermovement arise, that is often link with terrorism.  

Gruss Dinker

English sentence: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 08:49 So 31.05.2009
Autor: kilchi

Sollte man dein Text korrigieren oder was sollte man hier machen?

English sentence: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:55 Di 02.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Genau der Text ist zum Korrigieren gedacht

Gruss DInker

English sentence: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:42 Di 02.06.2009
Autor: Amano

John is longing for loneliness and wäre gerne verbannt worden. Ich habe gerade Probleme das „wäre gerne“ auf die Reihe zu kriegen.

...and would rather have been banned.

John commits suicide, when he definitively realizes that he never will reach his aim in Brave New World and come to the conclusion that he is unable to adapt his behaviour to the Brave new world.
...that he will never reach his aim in the Brave new world
and comes to the conclusion...

Her behaviour conforms almost all point the prevailing norms.
... conforms with almost all the prevailing norms.

The slogan everyone belongs everyone aimed to prevent narrow interhuman relationship.to avoid any emotional obligation (Bindung?).
The slogan "everyone belongs to everyone" is aimed towards preventing close interhuman relationships so that no emotional bonds may emerge.

Because profound relationships endanger the state stability and can cause conflict.

In Contrast to John, Lenina isn’t able to reflect critically(?) the structure of Brave new World.
...to critically reflect the structure...

His mother conveys him the knowledge and idea of Brave new World, but he lives under Indian and would like to integrate in their way of life.
His mother tought him the ideology...
... he lives with Indians and would like to share their way of life.

The tendency to equality and conformity has been affected from the globalisation process, which began in the pre-industrial revolution era.
... was affected by

This leaded to a global market, division of labor etc.
This led...

Therefore it came to an adaption between the different cultures and because of the new you know everytime what is going on everywhere on the world.
Ich versteh deinen Satz nicht, was versuchst du zu sagen mit dem 'new you know everytime..' Meinst du die Nachrichten? The news?

The negative consequences of this process are that we give up our own culture, which gave us on orientation to find our place in the society and you can see that a countermovement arise, that is often link with terrorism.
...arises which is often linked to...
Netter Satz, solltest du aber anders formulieren. Welche Prozesse sprichst du an? Jede Gesellschaft beruft sich auf ihre Kultur, du machst hier nicht wirklich eine Aussage und bevor es zu Terrorismus kommt, kann man noch viele Aufstaende erwarten. ;-)


English sentence: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:18 Do 04.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

> Therefore it came to an adaption between the different
> cultures and because of the new you know everytime what is
> going on everywhere on the world.
>  Ich versteh deinen Satz nicht, was versuchst du zu sagen
> mit dem 'new you know everytime..' Meinst du die
> Nachrichten? The news?

>Ja ich meine die Nachrichten

Gruss Dinker

English sentence: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:09 Do 04.06.2009
Autor: Amano

> Therefore it came to an adaption between the different
> cultures and because of the new you know everytime what is
> going on everywhere on the world.

OK, dann heisst es 'news' mit einem 's'.
Anstatt everytime oder everywhere solltest du schreiben: at any time, anywhere
going on klingt zu umgangssprachlich (was alles los ist) , happening ist stilistisch ein wenig neutraler (was alles passiert).

The different cultures have been adapting to each other.
The news allowed instant access to information about what is happening anywhere in the world.

Ich glaub, dein Hauptproblem ist, dass dein englischer Wortschatz zu klein ist. Das kannst du nur aendern, indem du viele englische Texte liest und dir Redewendungen merkst. Schau mal bei online Zeitungen und Magazinen, wie brandrepublic oder thetimesonline.

Dein zweites Problem loest sich dann wie von selbst, naemlich, dass du deutsch denkst und uebersetzt, statt dich gleich auf Englisch auszudruecken.

Dir fehlt nicht mehr viel und dann sind deine Texte richtig gut.

English sentence: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:21 Do 04.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Ich bin wirklich bemüht mein Englisch zu verbessern, lese fast täglich und höre mir BBC an oder Fernsehsendungen.
Nur bin ich leider nicht gerade sehr Sprachgegabt, so dass es für mich ein langsames und mühsames Erlernen ist.
Gruss DInker

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