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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektion
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Korrektion: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:47 Di 19.09.2006
Autor: Caleeder


könntet ihr mir bitte diese beiden Texte korrigieren? Schon mal Danke im Vorraus. Ich wäre aich dankbar wenn jeder nur einen Text korrigiert.

Korrektion: hier die texte
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:48 Di 19.09.2006
Autor: Caleeder

upps, habe vergessen die texte zu schreiben ;)

Stanley is an overweight and tall young teenager who doesn’t have any friends from school. In my opinion he is a friendly and funny guy but nevertheless he’s often bully by his own classmates and even his teachers sometimes made cruel comments without realizing it. Though Stanley is strong and able to defend himself against the other kids at school but he doesn’t do it. Because of the bullying for years Stanley became shy and not self-confident. He respects the people around him and tries to avoid trouble with other persons. Besides he is accustomed to having bad luck. He attributes this bad luck to his great-great-grand-father, who caused Madame Zeroni to put a curse on the Yelnats family. The family is very poor. His father is an inventor and searches a way to recycle old sneakers. Anymore Stanley Yelnats is innocent of the crime why he was send to Camp Green Lake. He’d just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. But no one besides his parents believed in his innocent and so the judge gave Stanley the choice between prison and Camp Green Lake. He chose Camp Green Lake but this was a mistake he figured out later.

Zero’s real name is Hector Zeroni, but he has been called Zero for most of his life. He has a long skinny neck and frizzy blond hair that stuck in all directions. In Camp Green Lake he is the smallest kid in the group D. He has been homeless for most of his life. His mother had leaved him when he was a little child. He has been an outsider his whole life long, first on the street and then in Camp Green Lake. Because he always hides what he’s thinking and he’s always quit people assume Zero is stupid, but he isn’t. He is quite intelligent and is particularly good in math. He only doesn’t like answering questions. Proof of this can be found in chapter twenty-two when Stanley teaches him to read.

Korrektion: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 22:46 Di 19.09.2006
Autor: protestanten_lemming

does not, he is etc. statt doesn´t he´s...

Stanley is an overweight and tall young teenager who does not have any friends from school. In my opinion he is a friendly and funny guy but nevertheless he is often (bullied) teased by his (own wuerd ich einfach rauslassen) classmates and even his teachers sometimes made cruel comments without realizing it. Although Stanley is (physically) strong  and able to defend himself against the other kids at school he does not do it. Because of the bullying for years Stanley became shy and lost his self-confidence. He respects the people around him and tries to avoid trouble with other persons. Besides he is accustomed to having bad luck. He attributes this bad luck to his great-great-grand-father, who caused Madame Zeroni to put a curse on the Yelnats family. The family is very poor. His father is an inventor and searches a way to recycle old sneakers. (Anymore-ich versteh nicht was das hier ehissen soll) After all, Stanley Yelnats is innocent of the crime that caused being sent to Camp Green Lake. he had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. But no one besides his parents believed in his innocence and so the judge gave Stanley the choice between prison and Camp Green Lake. He chose Camp Green Lake but this was a mistake as he figured out later.

Zero’s real name is Hector Zeroni, but he has been called Zero for most of his life. He has a long skinny neck and frizzy blond hair that points in all directions. In Camp Green Lake he is the smallest kid in group D. He has been homeless for most of his life. His mother had left him when he was a little child. He has been an outsider all his life, first on the street and then in Camp Green Lake. Because he hides his thoughts and he is always quiet, people assume Zero is stupid, but (in fact) he is not. He is quite intelligent and is particularly good in math. He just does not like answering questions. Proof of this can be found in chapter twenty-two when Stanley teaches Zero reading.

das muesste  jetzt so stimmen..hoff ich.
nur sehr wenige fehler!

Korrektion: noch ein text
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 16:36 Mi 20.09.2006
Autor: Caleeder


vielen vielen dank für die Korrektion. Ich habe hier noch einen Text bei dem ich mir auch nicht ganz sicher bin ob ich da alles richtig gemacht habe. Würde mich freuen wenn mir einer das noch mal durchgucken würde. Vielen Danke


The novel „Holes“ is about a young teenager named Stanley who is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention camp in Texas, for a crime he did not commit. Stanley and the other boys at the camp are forced to dig large holes in the hot rising sun every day. After a few days Stanley is accepted as a member of group D and he is given the nickname ‘Caveman’ because of his bigness. In the middle of the novel Stanley chump up with an other boy named Zero. First Stanley thinks he finds new friends in the camp, but after an escalation out of the desiccated lake soon he realizes that in Camp Green Lake everybody cares for himself. After a spectacular escape out of the camp it begins a battle for survival in the middle of nowhere for the two friends. Soon they realize that they can not survive their whole life in the desert, they must turn back….

Korrektion: Hilfe Korrektion
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 21:16 Mi 20.09.2006
Autor: Caleeder

Bitte berichtigt diesen Text, ich brauche den für morgen in einer Arbeit!!

Korrektion: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 22:23 Mi 20.09.2006
Autor: Caleeder

Ich brauche diesen Text wirklich bis morgen. Kann mir den denn keiner korrigierien??

The novel „Holes“ is about a young teenager named Stanley who is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention camp in Texas, for a crime he did not commit. Stanley and the other boys at the camp are forced to dig large holes in the hot rising sun every day. After a few days Stanley is accepted as a member of group D and he is given the nickname ‘Caveman’ because of his bigness. In the middle of the novel Stanley chump up with an other boy named Zero. First Stanley thinks he finds new friends in the camp, but after an escalation out of the desiccated lake soon he realizes that in Camp Green Lake everybody cares for himself. After a spectacular escape out of the camp it begins a battle for survival in the middle of nowhere for the two friends. Soon they realize that they can not survive their whole life in the desert, they must turn back….

Korrektion: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 03:20 Do 21.09.2006
Autor: matux

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