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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektion
Korrektion < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektion: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:23 Mi 29.11.2006
Autor: Caleeder


ich schreibe morgen eine Englisch Klausur. In der Klausur kann einer von diesen Texten abgefragt werden. Ich würde mich freuen jemand sie für mich korrigieren könnte. Danke.


Dear Sir or madam

I am a school student from Cologne, in Germany. Next year, from the 01. January – 25. November, I am planning my gap year to gain work experience in Australia. I am just finishing my school, but before my study begins I want to take a year off and to gain work experience for my future life. The last three months ago I catch up on interested firms and organizations in Australia to find the right work placement for me. Finally I call attention to you.
I am writing to ask for the opportunity to come to Australia Zoo as I am very interested in nature and in all animal species, especially in animals that are only live in the jungle. During a previous trip last year, I visited your zoo and I enjoyed it very much. I am prepared to work hard if given the chance.
I enclose my CV and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for your consideration
Yours faithfully

Many students all over the world decide after finishing school and before starting college to take a gap year to gain work experience for their future life and to get know other languages and cultures.
In my opinion taking a gap year is anything but a waste of time. I think a gap year is a special preparation for the real world in the future. When you just finish the school, and you want study it’s a good idea to take a break from full-time studying. When you are in a foreign country and you know nobody you become automatically more self-confident. You have to buy food and clothes on your own and you must be careful about what you do with your money. Additionally you improve you foreign language which is also very important for your later career. Besides when you apply for a job after studying a gap year is an edge over other candidates for the job. Many students are even unsure about their future life and what they want to do. A gap year is here the right thing because it helps you to find the right way in your career.

Korrektion: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:24 Mi 29.11.2006
Autor: MAXI95

Du must 1st schreiben oder 25 th Sonst ist alles richtig ☺☻☺☺▬


DEin Maxi95

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