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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Mars Inc.
Mars Inc. < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Mars Inc.: Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 10:12 Mi 12.11.2008
Autor: LaLeLuuu

Development of Mars Inc.

ich habe einen Abschnitt der Firma Mars Inc. in Englisch zusammengefasst. Korrekturen der Sprache sowie von Formulierungen (connections,...) wären toll. Mir fehlen dort öfters die Ideen...

In 1960 CHUM dog food is launched in the UK but is rebranded PEDIGREE CHUM a few years later.
Also they ensured a reliable source of high-quality nuts for SNICKERS and M&M's and identified the dietary needs, preferences and behavour of pet animals in the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition in the UK. Then, they applied this knowledge to the products to better satisfy the needs of domestic pets.

77: The Five Principles were formalized by managers worldwide in Maryland, USA.
In Belguim they built the first European rice mill for UNCLE BEN'S and in addition those products launched also in Brazil.

In 82 M&M's were chosen by the first space shuttle astronauts to be included in their food supply, so Mars became the first candy in space.
Probably as a result, the quantity of selled M&M's bags and MARS bars increased by an average of 10%.
In Hamburg, Germany, SHEBA cat foot was launched.
Six years after the meeting in Maryland, they published the first "Five Principles of Mars" booklet, which was distributed globally across the Corporation.
There are many launched in the 80's, for example launch of CESAR dog food, of ALORA which is pasta like spaghetti, tortelloni and ravioli. ALORA is known as DOLMIO now.
FROLIC dog food, PEDIGREE dog food and WHISKA cat food is launched in Brazil.
Besides, M&M's and SNICKERS were announced as "Official Snack Foods of the Olympic Games" and a few years later M&M's and Mars candy bar were announced as official sponsors of the Soccer World Cup in Italy.

For the first time, Mars started selling SNICKERS, MILKY WAY, MARS and RAIDER in the Commonwealth of Independent States, for example in Poland, Czech Republic and Russia.
There is a launch of FLAVIA in Japan and the US, a range of cooking sauces under the name UNCLE BEN'S launched in the US and also this rice brand celebrated its 50th anniversary. There was opened the first manufacturing facility for DOVE in China.
Moreover, Mars became the single worldwide food sponsor of the Olympic Games in 1992 and SNICKERS was a sponsor in the Soccer World Cup in the USA.

KLIX Outlook vending machine is launched in the UK, France and Germany, featuring a greater range of drink choices. KLIX was earlier, in 1973, the first developed in-cup drinks machine.
Last year, NUTRO petfood was welcomed into the Mars stable of leading petfood brands.

Vielen Dank!

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Mars Inc.: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:20 Fr 14.11.2008
Autor: matux

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