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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - bitte um Korrektur
bitte um Korrektur < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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bitte um Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:37 Mo 03.12.2007
Autor: mactimo

A chain of seamounts originates from a hot spot. A hot spot is a place where volcanic activity takes place over million of years. The Earths crust is divided into moving plates and because the plates are moving and the hot spot is always at the same place, the erupted magma is producing seamounts on different locations on the ocean floor.

a) i) The Peru-Chile Trench is located in the eastern Pacific Ocean along the western coast of South America. The trench separates the mainland from the abyssal plain.

ii) In the South American region earthquakes occur only in the western part. The earthquakes start with shallow-foci at the coast and become deeper as they go further into continent. In the Andes, the earthquakes are as deep as 700 km.

iii) The volcanoes in South America are located along the Andes. Since the volcanoes lie parallel with the Peru-Chile Trench and they form a volcanic chain, I expect them to be explosive.

b) The Peru-Chile Trench is a result of a convergent plate boundary. The involved plates are the Nazca Plate which is subducting under the South American Plate.

also das sind ein paar Fragen die ich beantwortet habe. Es ist wahrscheinlich schwer den Zusammenhang zu verstehen aber vielleicht kann ja jemand den Satzbau und die Grammatik überprüfen. Ich bin für Verbesserungsvorschläge offen.

bitte um Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:51 Mo 03.12.2007
Autor: Amano


nettes Thema, interessierst du dich fuer Geographie? Ich hab mal korrigiert, was mir aufgefallen ist.

> A chain of seamounts originates from a hot spot. A hot spot
> is a place where volcanic activity takes placeoccurs (falsch ist es nicht, nur die Wiederholung von 'place' hat mich etwas gestoert0 over millions
> of years. The Earths Earth's crust is divided into moving plates.
> and because . Since the plates are moving and the hot spot is
> always at the same place, the erupted magma is producing
> seamounts on different locations on the ocean's floor.
> a) i) The Peru-Chile Trench is located in the Eastern
> Pacific Ocean along the western coast of South America. The
> trench separates the mainland from the abyssal plain.
> ii) In the South American region earthquakes occur only in
> the western part. The earthquakes start with shallow-foci
> at the coast and become deeper as they go further into
> continent. In the Andes, the earthquakes are as deep as 700
> km.
> iii) The volcanoes in South America are located along the
> Andes. Since the volcanoes lie parallel with to the Peru-Chile
> Trench and they form a volcanic chain, I expect them to be
> explosive.
> b) The Peru-Chile Trench is a result of a convergent plate
> boundary. The involved plates are formingthe Nazca Plate which is
> subducting under the South American Plate.
> Hallo,
> also das sind ein paar Fragen die ich beantwortet habe. Es
> ist wahrscheinlich schwer den Zusammenhang zu verstehen
> aber vielleicht kann ja jemand den Satzbau und die
> Grammatik überprüfen. Ich bin für Verbesserungsvorschläge
> offen.
>  Danke
>  mactimo


bitte um Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 09:12 Di 04.12.2007
Autor: mactimo

Hallo Amano,
ja vielen Dank für die schnelle Verbesserung. Hat mir wirklich sehr geholfen. Ist schon spannend wenn man sich mit sowas beschäftigt. Man versteht die Zusammenhänge über die Katastrophen wie Erdbeben, Vulkane usw. deutlich besser. Also danke nochmals.

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