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hallo kann mir mal bitte einer weiter helfen und zwar habe ich ein paar fragen zu einem text die ich nicht verstehe:
putting the message over
people ask does advertising really work? well, it certainly does . otherwise we wouldn't spend all that money on advertising ! but how does it work?
well, i'm going to talk about two differnts ways . first lets look at advertising for well know names and brandsadvertising which keeps an already famous brand in people's minds. then let's look at the sort of advert that introduces something new. ok. first then, let's take that famous tv commercial for yellow pages with fido. his owners go away and leave himbehind with granny . so he locks her out to show how he feels . how does this ad work? well, it's that naughty but lovable and very human dog , of course . look at his face1 yes, animals sel- small children do, too. they're sweet and they're funny , and we love them. and we associate the product with that positive emotion.many other brands are sold on something even stronger - added emotional benefits - the feeling that we wil be improved somehow by the product. if it's toothpaste, it doesn't just clean our teeth :
it also offers glamour , perhaps , or even happiness!
what about the other type of advert , the type that introduces us to a product or service? take a music mail order company: it has to put over a message that will keep attracting new customers, and those customers have to be attracted enough to contact the company . here, the aida formula can be used. this stands for: attract attention, arouse interest, create desire and make action easy.
in this case , the ad is in a teenage music magazine . it's therefore aimed at the right target group, and the chances of a good response are high. now, our attention is attracted immediately as the brightly coloured leaflet falls out of the magazine. we read on the cover take 5 cd's and our interest is aroused. then desire is crated as we open the leaflet and see the many music types and titles we can choose from. finally, there is a card we can cut out, fill in and send off. and look, there is no need for a stamp: it's freepost, it's prepaid. action has been made very easy!
Answer the question on the text
1- tina wilson talks abuot two different sorts of advertising . what are they?
2- why are animals succesful in advertising??
3- brand -name advertising is succesful if people look for the name when they go shopping. what must an aida type of advert make people do??
4- in the britannia ad, what does the advertiser want the reader to do??
Bitte bitte kann mir einer dringend weiter helfen
weil ich das echt nicht kapiere!!!
danke schonmal
lg sarah
Wir wärs denn mal mit Ansätzen???
Verstehst du überhaupt garnichts??? Was verstehst du denn zum Beispiel? Probier doch mal die Fragen zu beantworten, und dann sagen wir dir, obs stimmt;)
in diesem sinne